Limited stock available for spring 2024!
Please check back next spring for a bigger selection of plants as I eventually ramp back up! Sign up for my newsletter to receive news otherwise.
The plants have been grown with no herbicides or pesticides, and with ecological* methods in mind, in soil blocks (introductory video here) to minimise use of plastic. The plants are being sold in plastic pots this year, however I am requesting that the pots be returned to me if they are still in good shape so I can re-use them, or if you can’t return them, please pass them on to another green thumb in your life so they may live on again.
*What do I mean by ecological? I prioritize soil health, with additives such as compost-rich soil, effective micro-organism and fungal treatments and home-made worm castings, from the very beginning rather than later correcting symptoms of ill soil and plant health with chemicals and sprays.
All plants are $5 each unless otherwise marked
Updated as often as I can. Please contact me for the most up-to-date list.
I will adjust inventory as plant stock rotates through the season. There may be more plants coming up as I germinate them through the spring. Check back every few weeks to see what will be forthcoming.
Plants are sold first come, first serve. I can accept e-transfer or PayPal if you don’t feel comfortable using cash, and can leave them outside for pickup to minimize direct contact.
Plant inventory is as follows:
Ready for pickup in a few weeks or longer. Unless otherwise noted, almost all are of certified organic, heirloom and/or open pollinated source. (Please note: Tomatoes and peppers should not be planted until night time temps are reliably above 10 degrees Celsius, here in Clinton that is usually 1st week of June but sometimes earlier. Otherwise they may not set fruit.)
- 3 x Amish Paste – Very old heirloom variety from the 1800s. Produces large, heavy fruit over a long growing season that are absolutely perfect for sauces and canning with a well-balanced taste. Shape varies from “ox heart” to “plum”. Indeterminate vine that needs robust support!
- 0 x Black Cherry – Hardy, productive dark purple cherry tomato with a delightful, complex and sweet flavour. Indeterminate vine.
- 0 x Black Krim – Large, juicy, dark red with green stripes heirloom beefsteak type (227-283g fruits) from the Crimean peninsula. Flavour is deep & rich, described as sweet, smoky and salty and a favourite in taste-test trials. Indeterminate vine.
- 2 x Golden Rave (F1 Hybrid) – High yielding bright yellow baby roma (“romanita”) type. Described as having a meaty yet very sweet roma tomato flavour. Excellent disease and crack resistance. Indeterminate vine.
- 4 x Jaune Flamme – Beautiful French heirloom salad tomato with persimmon orange skin and flesh with a blush of pink. Medium 50-100 gr sized, juicy tomatoes are literally bursting with rich flavour. Dries very well while retaining colour. Relatively short indeterminate vine, good for patios or small spaces.
- 8 x La Roma (F1 Hybrid) – Uniform, early and heavy yields of the classic flavourful 85-113g roma tomatoes, perfect for canning or sauce. Determinate bush type very suited for small spaces or large containers.
- 5 x Little Black Brandywine – Rare small-to-medium hearty tomato with striped dark red/purple and green meaty flesh and a phenomenally rich fruity flavour. Early producer compared to other beefsteak types. Indeterminate vine.
- 0 x Manitoba – Popular on the prairies and those with short growing seasons, this robust variety was developed in the 1950s in Morden, MB. Smooth skin with meaty, firm flesh, about 170 grams, great for slicing and preserving. Determinate bush. Fusarium and verticillium wilt resistant.
- 2 x Pearly Pink – Heirloom of unknown origin. 20 to 45 gram plum cherry tomatoes with firm, pink flesh and a sweet taste. Semi-indeterminate (still gets about 2 m). Well suited to cold or short season regions.
- 4 x Pink Bumble Bee – Certified Organic seed. Striped dark pink and yellow cherry tomato with a sweet flavour. Bred to be very productive in cooler and high altitude gardens. Crack and disease resistant indeterminate vine.
- 4 x Principe Borghese – Shorter, prolific Tuscan heirloom plant produces large clusters of small, meaty and firm plum-shaped tomatoes. Revered for drying, these retain excellent flavour once dried. Semi-determinate plant.
- 5 x Purple bumble bee – Certified Organic seed. Striped dusky purple and green cherry tomato with a complex yet well balanced and sweet flavour. Bred to be very productive in cooler and high altitude gardens. Crack and disease resistant indeterminate vine.
- 5 x San Marzano Lampadina II – An old Italian heirloom paste tomato prized far and wide for canning and for making pastes and sauces. Firm, dry pulp and thin skin. Indeterminate vine.
- 2 x Sunrise Bumble Bee – Certified Organic Seed. Striped red and yellow cherry tomato with a sweet and tangy flavour. Bred to be very productive in cooler and high altitude gardens. Crack and disease resistant indeterminate vine.
- 2 x Sweet Hearts Grape (F1 Hybrid) – Exceptionally productive, growing hordes of bright red and delicious 4 cm grape tomatoes on elongated trusses. Well suited for containers or small spaces. Indeterminate vine.
- 3 x Sweet Million (F1 Hybrid) – Winner of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Award of Garden Merit. Hardy, robust vines produce an abundance of 2.5 cm/10-15 gr beautiful, bright and sweet red cherry tomatoes. Indeterminate vine.
- 2 x Tigerella – An english heirloom that produces red with orange striped 125 gr round tomatoes. Sweet, juicy with a little bit of tang. Indeterminate vine.
Ready for pickup in a few weeks.
- 17 x Pepperoncini – Bushy Italian heirloom produces abundant clusters of slender 12 cm peppers that are perfect for pickling or simply eating fresh. Rich, sweet taste is reminiscent of a sun-dried tomato with a very slight touch of heat.
- 8 x Twingo (F1 Hybrid)– Large, bushy plants produce many sizeable yellow bell peppers.
- 2 x Filius Blue – Unique and striking bushy plant perfect for containers on the patio and growing inside as house plants. Tolerates a surprising amount of shade for a pepper plant. Unlike most ornamental peppers, these deep blue/purple peppers are very edible with a little sweetness. We’ve been making delicious hot sauce with these for a few years now! 40,000 – 58,000 SHUs, becoming become milder and sweeter as they mature.
- Unsure amount for 2024 (maybe 2) x Ghost Chili – aka Bhut Jalokia. These are one of the world’s hottest peppers and one not to be treated lightly! A slow-growing plant that will produce at the end of the season, but can be brought inside to overwinter and produce a more bountiful yield. 855,000 – 1,041,427 SHUs.
- 2 x Catnip – The classic catnip/catmint, great for your furry feline friends or as a diaphoretic and calming nervine herb.
- 4 x Emily Basil – Compact yet productive Genovese type basil especially suited to containers. Keeps better than other Genovese types after picking.
- 5 x Holy Basil – Called Tulsi in Ayurvedic medicine and Kaphrao in Thai cuisine, this highly aromatic plant is different in flavour profile than Genovese basil. A gentle yet powerful adaptogenic herb which also supports the lungs and lifts the spirit.