Curious Fox Wildcraft advocates for ecological restoration and environmental education. We take joy in being a part of creating a verdant future grounded in our home places and the natural worlds surrounding them.
Newest blog articles:

4 delicious culinary concoctions to make with lilac flowers
Learn about 4 delicious culinary concoctions to make with lilac flowers

Leaving the leaves!
I received this question in the summer: I enjoyed reading about the good in leaving the fallen leaves in the Fall, and I am wondering what you suggest for them in the spring and summer. Do you recommend that they stay on the lawn then, too?-Frank And here was my answer to this question: So…

Creating accountability with an open letter
Creating accountability with an open letter to one of my local grassroots activist organizations.

Hypocrisy: The unavoidable reality we live in
Do you ever feel that discussions today just devolve into heated arguments that go nowhere? Here’s some thoughts on this…